Before we get ahead of ourselves, we want to welcome you to ReQuipCorp.com and let you know we are currently in the middle of development. We are working hard to bring unique and innovative products and services to the industry. Please be patient, as we are creating something truly unique for people like you.
If you would like to join our Team of Beta Testers please reach out, we would love to hear your ideas and opinions.
Requip Corporation was founded in 1998 with the mission to “Provide high quality and affordable construction equipment, products and services to its customers.” ReQuip believes in your Asset’s Value and feels it can help you manage that Asset. For more than 20 years, ReQuip has helped customers ranging from small individual contractors to some of the largest construction companies in the world leverage their Asset’s Value. From valuation to procurement to asset disposal, ReQuip can help. Please do not hesitate to reach out and see what we can do for you and your company.
— MICHAEL SCHWARTZ, President of ReQuip Corporation